Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Hygiene Department, Fac. of Vet. Medicine, Beni-Suef, Egypt,

2 Food Hygiene Department, Animal Health Res. Institute, Dokki, Egypt,


Samples were collected from 350 carcasses of slaughtered animals (175 beef, 150 buffaloes and 25 mutton). Moreover, 200 samples of fresh and frozen livers were taken. With regard to chickens; abdominal fat, liver, Kidney and gizzard samples were collected from 50 carcasses 100 samples of fish flesh, 50 from each of Claris lazera and Tilapia nilotica.
The collected samples were examined for organochlorines residue by using thin layer chromate plate. The incidence and the detectable level of organochlorine residues were varied dependent on the species of animals, type of tissue examined as well as the degree of accumulation of these compounds. None of examined fat samples of slaughtered animals exceeded the permissible limits of DDT while beef muscle and fat as well as buffaloes’ fat showed high level of Jindanc residues. Broiler carcasses showed no detectable level of pesticide residues while the detectable level in frozen liver as compared with fresh ones which contained low residues levels of aldrin, dieldrin, lindane and DDT.
 Clarias lazera contained high level of aldrin than other pesticide residues while none of detectable levels of pesticides in Tilapia nilotica exceeds permissible limits.

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