Potential Importance of Circulating anti-Müllerian Hormone as a Predictor of Superovulatory Response in Dairy Holstein Cows

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Biology of Reproduction,Animal Reproduction Research Institute (ARRI), Giza, Egypt

2 Department of Artificial Insemination Animal Reproduction Research Institute (ARRI), Giza, Egypt


Plasma anti-Müllerian hormone concentration (AMH) in cows is a useful endocrine marker for ovarian response to gonadotropin superstimulation. Here, we investigated the possible relationship between AMH concentration measured in plasma and superovulatory response of embryo donor dairy Holstein cow aiming to predict their response in earlier period before beginning of superovulatory treatment protocol. So, for this reason, 33 cows were undergo superovulatory gonadotropin treatment and blood samples were collected at three phases (P0 randomly before treatment, PE on day of estrus, PF on day of flushing for embryos collection). This study revealed that AMH concentration were significantly increased in the high responded cows in all 3 phases of study than the low responded ones. Also, the study reported 3 optimal cut-off points 57.6, 192.1 and 114.2pg/ml in the P0, PE and PF phases respectively which could be used for early prediction of cow superovulatory responses. In conclusion, circulating AMH concentration was strongly associated with superovulation response and its evaluation could be used to identify embryo donor cows with greater response to superovulation programs. Also, the optimal cut-off point 57.6pg/ml could be used randomly to select the best donors
