
Food Control Dept. fac. of Vet. Med. Cairo, University, Giza, Egypt.


Nowadays meat processing is highly regarded because of its widely purchased due to its convenience and variety imparted to the meat portion of the diet. Canning is the important method of meat preservation, which provide with wholesome product that have the desirable flavor, texture, and appearance. Canned beef is a semisolid food product in the form of compact mass which is prepared from beef, curing agents, seasonings and other' optional ingredients. The bacteriological quality of canned meat is highly dependent on the condition of the raw meat, additives, equipment, washing water, empty cannes and finally the cooling water of the ratorts. Even through that; the spoilage micro-organisms cause deterioration may be destroyed during processing (Hersum and Hulland, 1969; and Nasr et al., 1972). Spoilage of canned meat can be attributed to massive. contamination, storage at an inappropriate temperature storage for an excessive periods, or due to under processing (Telegdy 1970). Recently, meat canning industry established in Egypt by some compamies in the form of canned beef, there- fore this work aimed to evaluate the bacteriological quality of such important meat product.

Main Subjects