Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Vet. Med. Cairo Univ.

2 Animal Health Res. Inst..

3 «* Animal Health Res. Inst..


The present work describes for the first time in Egypt the serodiagnosis isolation, and identification of respiratory syncytial virus from affected calves as well as the seroprevalence of infection among cattle. 
In the present survey 250 nasal swabs and 400 sera sample were collected from calves, feed lot and diary cattle with different ages, seasons and different degree of respiratory signs, for BRsv isolation, identification and sero diagnosis. In addition to 150 calves apparently normal contact animals were examined. The collected samples represented six farms distributed throughout 5 Egyptian governorates The obtained results proved that 5 out of 7 virus isolates were from calves have 1-6 months age and another 2 isolates from unweaned calves that 2-3 weeks old, 6 isolates were detected in spring, season while only one during winter season.
Only 3 out of 7 titrated viral isolates were identified as BRSV by SNT and one more by direct FAT. The isolated strains were designated as RBSV Salhai 1994 and RBsv Alexanderia 1994.
The serodiagnosis results of 400 examined sera sample by SNT and ELISA revealed that 65 (16.25%) and 110 (27.5%) sera sample were positive respectively. the antibodies titer range from (1\8 to 1\64). Maternal immunity through seroconversion study showed a fadding of passive immunity completely at 5th month age.

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