Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Parasitology; Fac. of Vet. Med. Cairo Univ., Giza.

2 Animal Reproduction Research Inst. ARC, Giza.


Sheep in Egypt were investigated serologically for Toxoplasmosis. Examination of 915 apparently healthy sheep collected during Slaughtering at Cairo and Giza abattoirs by IHAT revealed that 519 (56.7%) were Toxoplasma positive at titre of >1/32. Out of the 519 positive Sera, 65 were positive at titre of 1/64, 92 at 1/128, 78 at 1/256, 66 at 1/512, 40 at 1/1024 and 68 at >1/2048 with percentage of 12.25%, 17.73, 15.02, 121,72, 7.7% and 13.10% respectively. 
In comparative study between [HAT and IFAT, 500 serum samples were selected out of 155 IHAT negative, only 136 were IFAT negative while 19 sera were Toxoplasma positive. Also, 321lout of 345 IHAT positive were IFAT Toxoplasma positive.
The comparative study between IHAT and LAT among the same 500 samples tested by IFAT showed that 140 serum samples were LAT negative out of 155 IHAT seronegative samples, the other 15 sera revealed obvious agglutination as well as 5 samples were latex negative out of 70 IHAT positive. However, all the IHAT positive sera at dilution of >1/64 revealed obvious latex agglutination reaction. 
The comparative study between positive and negative results obtained by IHAT, IFAT and LAT among 500 ovine sera revealed that out of 155 IHAT negative sera only 136 and 140 sera were negative by IFAT and LAT in a percentage of agreement 87.74% and 90.32% respectively. Also, out of 345 IHAT positive sera IFAT and LAT showed that 321 and 340 sera were positive in a percentage of agreement 93.04% and 98.55% respectively.
Lastly from this study we can concluded that for serological diagnosis of ovine Toxoplasmosis we must depend upon more than one serological test..

Main Subjects