Document Type : Original Article


1 Departments of Animal Medicine Faculty of Vet. Medicine, Zagazig University.

2 Departments of Theriogenology, Faculty of Vet. Medicine, Zagazig University.


Blood samples were collected from the four groups as well as from the control This study was conducted on a total of 35 lactat- ing buffaloes and newbom calves of different to an experimental farm station, Congenital hypovitaminosis A was suggested, Oitans ae Zagazig University at El- low levels of vitamin A determined in blind new-head ic ne, Governorate. Abnormal-signs born and their respective cams confirmed our di-tls rows . buffaloes, newborn calves as agnosis. The clinical signs in (group 2) were Min A defciens Calve suspected to be duo to vita- blindness, corneal opacity, weakness, incoordina-Y. tion and underdevelopment that usually followed aed on the histo 7 by death. Lacrymation, conjunctivitis, exophthal-ty and clinica] Signs, examined mia, doming of the forehead and hydrocephalus were frequantly observed among neonatal calves. Growing calves group3 exhibited dermatitis, lacrimation and conjunctivitis and reduced appetite and law milk production. the role of vitamin A in the pathogensis of forementioned signs was discussed. recommended daily intramuscular injection of vitamin A was done for one week with dietry supply of the vitamin, result in stoppage of appearance of new cases, while blinded cases were still present.

Main Subjects