Document Type : Original Article


Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.


A total number of 40 non lactating pluriparious buffalo-cows were randomly allocated into 5 sroups. During both winter and spring seasons, 22buffalo-cows were allocated into 2 experimentalsoups. Group I (n= 15) was fed on about 25 kgof Berseem + 2 kg of wheat straw, while Group II(n=7) was fed on 25 kg of berseem + 3 kg of con-centrate mixture. During the next season (sum-mer), another group of buffalo-cows (Group III,"=1) were fed on 5 kg of the concentrate mixture* 3 ke of wheat straw. At autumn, 11 buffalo-“WS were allocated into two groups. Group IV(n=5) Were fed on about 25 kg green corn + 2 kg°F wheat Straw, while the last group (Group V,*6) “as fed on 25 kg of green corn + 3 kg of “ONncentrate mixture. The seasonal nutrition “highly Significant effect (P<0.001) on ser-Propesty ;Beslerone, estradiol-17B, cortisol, glucosc, line! cholesterol, calcium and copper as well as a sig-nificant (p<0.01) effect on the serum albumin and phosphorous. The response to superovulation were 80%, 100% , 71.4% , 80.0% and 83.3% in group I, Il, If, IV and V, respectively. Changes in the dietary intake from berseem only to ber-seem supplemented with concentrate was asso-ciated with a significant (P<0.05) improvement in the mumber of ovulation (4.8+0.49 VS 5.86+0.51), recovered embryo/ova (3.08+0.4 VS 3.86+0.40), fertilized ova (2.58+1.78 VS 3.4340.37) and the number of grade I transferable embryos (1.5840.19 VS 2.57+0.30). Comparison between group IV and V revealed that, Supplcmentation of concentrate to grecn corn also im-proved the number of ovulation (4.4+0.68 VS 5.5+0.76), collected embryo/ova (2.75+0.29 VS3.60.27) and transferable embryos of gradc |(1.25:10.25 VS 2.240.20). In general, no signifi-cant differences were observed between group II and group V on onc hand or between group I, IT produce 3500-4000 kg milk in 305 day of
and IV on the other hand. Positive correlation co- —_—tion (Misra et al., 1990). The lechniques of -efficient’ were noted between progesterone con- ovulation and embryo transfer coupled with centration at the day of embryo collection and ov- eny testing can play an important , ovulation rate (r=0.91; P<0.001), recovered embryo/ — propagation of these precious sources of se ova (r=0.70; P<0.001), fertilized ova (r=0.66,; plasm (Taneja et al., 1994). However, Variabii P<0.001) and Grade I transferable embryo — of superovulation response and poor embryo (r=0.37; P<0.05). Also between progesterone covery are the major limitations in the commeprior to hormonal treatment and number of CL cial exploitation of embryo transfer technoloy, (r=0.70; P<0.001) and fertilized ova (r= -0.49; There are many external factors which influeng P<0.01). A positive correlation coefficient (r | the superovulatory response and the yield 31; P<0.01) was noted between estradiol-178 transferable embryos in donor animals. Among concentration before treatment and number of fol- these, season and nutrition can play imporlicles in the superovulated buffaloes as well as at roles (Dunn, 1980). However, the effect of ten the day of recovery and follicles (r=0.87; perature and humidity during different scasons a P<0.001) and Grade II transferable embryos fixed and less likely to be manipulated by ma (r=0.31; P<0.01). Negative correlation coefficient agement. At the same time the variation in was observed between cortisol concentration be- season of flushing which accompanied wifore treatment and fertilized ova (r= 0.32; P<0.05) changes in the nutrition has been affected 'and with grade II transferable embryos (r= - 0.40; number of viatie embryos recovered from sum P<0.01). At the same time, a positive correlation ovulated cattle (Brown et al., 1991) 30 the  were noted between serum glucose before treat- should be considered when devising managenment (r=0.71; P<0.01), at the day of collection strategies. On the other hand, the majority °! "(r=0.51; P<0.05) and the fertilization rate (r=0.51; faloes in Egypt are owned by farmers (small P<0.05). Also a positive correlation was found be- _—ers), most of them feed their buffaloes between total cholesterol level at the day of embryo _to their own experience and the aveilable 8 recovery and fertilized ova (r=0.41; P<0.05).

Main Subjects