Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Poultry Discases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

2 National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.


Avian Apo-transferrin (AVAT) was prepared from pooled chicken serum collected from poultry-processing plant. Employing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE),AVAT was identificd as two very closely bands, approximate)y half the distance between the top of the gel and the albumin band. Using traditional immuno-elcctrophoresis (IE), counter IE, and rocket IE against anti-chicken whole scrum it revealed one precipitation line. The total iron binding capacity (TIBC) of the prepared AVAT was “1.7 ug/mg, having a molecular weight of 76.500. The protection against clinical signs, mortality and gross lesion development in vaccinated birds following IBDV_ challenge was positively modulated by both AVAT and Corynebacterium culis lysate (CC) when given si multancously with vaccination. Either AVAT or CC treatment. JfI potentiates the protective effects against mortality by 10 % and against gross lesions by 13.) % and 29.6 % respectively. This cffect, proves their role as immunomodulators, which increased the immune potency. PAGE analysis of scra of groups treated with AVAT or CC revealed increase in the level of immunoglobulins (Igs) and serum transferrin (Th) as compared with non-treated vaccinated group at 3,7 and 14 days post vaccination. A significant increase in relative bursal weight index was noticed in birds treated with CC over non-treated vaccinated and challenged control birds.

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