Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Bacteriology, Mycology and Immunology, Fac. Vet. Med. Beni Suef, Cairo Univ.

2 Dept. of Microbiology, Fac. Vet. Med., Cairo Univ.


Hairs and skin scales from 80 cattle with skin lesions, resembling ringworm were examined mycologically and T. verrucosum was the main common fungus isolated from 3 cases (3.75%). Four types of vaccines were locally prepared, namely living attenuated, formalin-inactivated, Phenol-inactivated and irradiated vaccines. The Later vaccine was produced using a dose of 2KGy Cobalt gamma irradiation, which was sufficient For complete inactivation of T. verrucosum and used for the preparation of the vaccine. Evaluation of the produced vaccines for purity and sterilIty was done. Aqueous whole dermatophyte extract antigen was prepared by mechanical Disruption of dried mycelial powder of T. verrucosum. The ELISA optical density mean values of Anti-T. Verrucosum IgG in sera of calves vaccinated with the four types of vaccines were determined. Marked positive delayed skin reactions Were clearly observed in all vaccinated calves with different types of the prepared vaccines 48h After injection. Living attenuated and phenol inactivated vaccines proved to be the best inducers of allergic response in both calves and guinea pigs and the other two vaccines also sensitized guinea Pigs with smaller degree. On the basis of the average values of the macrophage migration inhibition test in guinea pigs, it Indicated that the highest cellular immune response of guinea pigs after the first and second injection was due to the variant of the prepared vaccine and the reactions were more intensive Following the first dose of the vaccines than after the second injection. Challenge tests in both immunized calves and guinea pigs were discussed in details.

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