Document Type : Original Article


Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.


60 (9.74%) out of 616 examined buffaloes in Sharkia Governorate showed lameness in one Limb or more, swellings in the shoulder and side Of abdomen, the related lymph nodes were swollen and inflamed. Aspiration of closed lesions revealed bloody fluid and pus, while opened lesions Yield necrotic ulcerated tissues with pus formation. Lymphadenitis was detected in 20 (13.16 %) out Of 152 examined sheep and 1 (1.3%) out of 78 Goats .The affections were characterized by severe emaciation of animals, loss of appetite and Enlargement of the superficial lymph glands (retropharyngeal, parotid, prescapular and prefemoral Lymph nodes. This affections were seen in adult Sheep (over 2 years old). Those abscesses showed Thick caseated creamy pus. Postmortem examination of 4 died ewes revealed visceral lesions involving the lung parenchyma, mediastinal and mesentric lymph nodes and yielded thick creamy Pus. Nitrate reduction test was positive with C. pseuDotuberculosis isolated from buffaloes and negative in C. pseudotuberculosis isolated from sheep And goat Antibiotic sensitivity test revealed that most C.pseudotuberculosis isolates were highly sensiTive to Gentamycin, Nitrofurantoin,Doxycillin, Cephalocin and Erythromycin, and less sensitive To Terramycin and resistant to Trimethoprim sulphonamid and Streptomycin The therapeutic trials in buffaloes with drugs Were successful particularly at early stage of the disease. Clinical improvement within 7-10 days in Early stage of infection. Opened lesions healed Within 3-4 weeks. The isolated bovine strains are similar to the ovine and caprine strains in its capacity to pro- duce exotoxin with varying titer. Examination of Corynebacterium peudotuberculosis isolated from bovine/ovine or caprine reacted against its ho- mologus and heterologous antibodies on employ- ing by the immunodifusion technique. Agar gel immunodifusion test indicated positive results in 88.3% of infected and 13.3% of contact buffaloes and 85.7% of infected and 20 % con- tact sheep, while the 84 contact buffaloes with in- fected sheep showed no clinical symptoms and Agar gel immunodifusion test revealed negative results. Parasitological examination of the blood films from buffaloes revealed negative results.

Main Subjects