Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Food Hygiene, Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ.

2 Dept. of Food Hygiene, Animal Health Research Inst, Giza.


The examined market traditional Alex. Semidry Sausage revealed that; the accepted product appearance is the marble cure. Deviations were,over cure, fading, browning, foreign colours, Mouldy, slimy and greening of the core. The Normal flavour reported is the fleshy cure one. but rancid, putrid and sour flavour were reported As deviations. The main technical defect reported was the fat Smearing, which is a mincing error. The ripening drying defects reported were softening, collapsing, case hardening and joint sours beside irregular curing. The tests applied for freshness attributes evaluation revealed that a pH value lower than 4.8 is Indicative of undesirable sourness. The malonaldehyde content/gm of extracted fat is a reliable Test for fat Oxidation evaluation in the product, And a value higher than 40ug/gm fat is to be considered border-line. The chemical analysis of the product revealed, a Reasonable fat and moisture content, but unnecessary high carbohydrate on the expense of the protein.The microbiological analysis of the market samples revealed an average count of1.1x107, 1.5X103, 3.7x103, 1.8X103 and 1.2X102 for the total aerobic, anaerobic, Staph.aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, mould & yeast counts respectively. Salmonellae failed detection while E.P E.coli. Could be isolated from 7 samples. The deviation from the accepted organoleptic attribute had been discussed. The impact of oxidized fat, overdosing of nitrite as well as the pathogenic E. Coli to man health had been high lighted.

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