Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Parasitology, Fac, Vet. Med., Zagazig University

2 Animal health research institute, Agricultral Research center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Fifty intestinal tract of domesticated turkeys were collected from private poultry markets in Zagazig city, Sharkia province for detection of protozoan parasites. Eleven out of fifty (22%) intestinal tract were infected with protozoan parasites. Seven of the examined samples (14%) were infected with three species of Eimeria: E. adenoeides 7/ 50 (14%): Emeleagrimitis 5/50 (10%) and Е.innocua 4/50 (8%). Three of the examined samples (6%) were infected with Cryptosporidi um meleagridis oocysts. Mixed infection with Tri- chomonads (Tetratrichomonas, gallinarum and Tritrichomonas eberthi) were detected in one of the examined samples (2%). Experimental infection of white albino rats with 105 of C. meleagri- sqocysts revealed the presence of oocysts in dis faeces of infected rats 4 days post-infection. Histopathological examination of of different d organs of infected rats at 4 days post-infection showed endogenous developmental stages (trophozoites and schizonts) of C. meleagridis at brush border of tracheal epithelium. The characteristics morpho- logical features for the detected species were illustrated with photographs.

Main Subjects