Anatomical relationships between the renal segmental arteries and kidney collecting system of camel.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Anatomy & embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University


The anatomical relationship between the segmental branches of the renal arteries and the renal collecting system of camel kidneys was studied by the corrosive casting technique. Some anatomical details that have clinical significance for urologists were observed. The arterial supply related to both and ventral groups of 1 renal recesses were documented. The present study has asserted that the start point of division of the renal artery was at a distal level of the renal Hilus, being about 3-5 cm beyond the renal pelvis. The total number of segmental arteries was 14 including, 6 dorsal and 8 ventral ones. Camel kidney has the higher numerical value among all farm animals and thus may be contributing to its bulky size as well as its broader width The results were thoroughly matched with that mentioned in the obtained literatures.


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